Professional Investigative e-Learning and in-class educational environments where students learn and acquire practical and tangible skills. This leads to better awareness and understanding while engaging with or conducting Investigative Services. Our courses go in-depth to show you how to be a private investigator.
Introduction to a Career as a Professional Investigator ICPI - 100
The ICPI 100 course has been designed so that anyone taking the course, once completed, should have a broad understanding of how the industry is structured. Students will also learn what types of file assignments are considered traditional and how or where does someone “new” to the business “fit in” and get their “start.”.
Aspiring Investigators often think about the physical license as the main goal of the start of their journey as a Private Investigator. The regulatory licensing is important but employers view a license, similar to that of a driver's license, its a requirement, but it does not demonstrate or indicate that you have experience or skills to make an immediate positive impact on an assignment or their business.

Introduction to a Career as a Professional Investigator ICPI - 101
Successful completion of ICPI 101 & ICPI 100 will empower Students with meaningful & tangible skills that employers are looking for in new hires without the prerequisite experience. Completion of ICPI 101 will build students' confidence and most importantly reduce or eliminate the risk to companies looking to hire “new” inexperienced Investigators.
In addition, students will attain tangible and applicable skills needed for success as they start their careers and will create a solid foundation for valuable development and successful outcome of investigations. Students will gain skills, clarity, insights, and direction. This will benefit them during their first few years. ICPI 101 will help Investigators to understand what will be required or expected of them while they learn and gain experience, developing them into a reputable sought after established Professional Private Investigator.
Engaging with a Private Investigator - EWPI
Designed to highlight and demystify the capabilities of a Professional Investigator. Content is client focused toward insurance companies, associations, TPA's, Case or Claims Managers, Independent Adjusters, Paralegals, Lawyers, SIU, Corporate Investigators & Security as well as public and private corporations.
The course or session will detail and outline, in general, what should be expected when hiring an Investigator and engaging with an investigative firm. Topics covered are what is a modern Professional Investigator? Why is experience, equipment, and training the determining factors in the success of any investigation? How has the Investigative Industry changed and how are things evolving? The course or session will also highlight some industry standards and optimal engagement processes or protocols with investigative companies. Furthermore, the topics of best practices for engagement, standards, KPI’s, SOP's and expected outcomes will be covered.