At New Data Risk Solutions & Investigations we have an extensive history in providing support to the legal community over the past 23 years. Many of our Investigators have successfully testified in court, where their evidence and testimony has resulted in measurable mitigating outcomes and meaningful case law.
At New Data our Management and Investigators work effortlessly with, Claims Adjusters, Paralegals, Lawyers and the legal community supporting criminal and civil proceedings by providing the following services:
Surveillance specific for litigation
Witness locates
Bodily injury litigated investigations and surveillance
Long Term Disability litigated investigations and surveillance
Open source or cyber investigations – patterns of activity (past and present)
Due diligence investigations for corporations and individuals
Background Checks and profiling – hidden assets, past judgments or criminal conduct
Witness Interviews & Statements
Accident benefits investigations
Missing persons
Domestic, family and estate services
Intellectual or Property – copyright, trademark and patent infringement
Accident Benefits investigations
Labour Relations

At New Data Risk Solutions & Investigations through its relationship with Novel Data Investigative Learning Inc, have been providing educational CPD or Continued Professional Development credits
to the Legal community.
As recognized experts in our field, the BC Law Society has approved CPD credits for the following session:
Engaging with a Private Investigator
This session has been approved by the BC Law Society, for continuing Professional Development Credit
Designed to highlight and demystify the capabilities of a Professional Private Investigator. Content is client-focused toward insurance companies, associations, TPA's, Case or Claims Managers, Independent Adjusters, Paralegals, Lawyers, SIU, Corporate Investigators & Security as well as public and private corporations.
This course or session will detail and outline, in general, what should be expected when hiring an Investigator and engaging with an investigative firm.
Topics covered are what is a modern Professional Private Investigator?
Why is experience, equipment, and training the determining factors in the success of any investigation?
How has the Investigative Industry changed and how are things evolving?
Common Misconceptions about the Private Investigation Industry
Privacy and access to information of a Private Investigator
Necessary & Specialty equipment or “tools of the trade” for the Modern Day Professional Private Investigator
Today’s necessary equipment for a Professional Private Investigator
Areas of specialization as a Professional Private Investigator
The Investigative Mindset
File Intake Best Practices - engaging with an Investigations Firm
The session will also highlight some industry standards and optimal engagement processes or protocols with investigative companies. Furthermore, the topics of best practices for engagement, standards, KPI’s, SOP's, and expected outcomes will be covered.
Call 604-260-1100