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Intellectual & Property Theft & Investigative Integrity Audits
At New Data Risk Solutions & Investigations we have pioneered Investigative Integrity Audits and the use of covert video. We have perfected the processes and techniques in conducting cash handling integrity audits, service level, and corporate brand audits.
These services have been provided on a National level with consistent and sometimes surprising results to;
National restaurant brands
National hotel or hospitality brands
Night clubs
Pubs and Bars
Businesses where cash is predominantly or regularly utilized for transactions
Sporting Venues

Our Covert Video Leaves Nothing to Question
These files are conducted professionally, requiring experienced surveillance investigators skilled in investigative integrity audits. The Investigator is hired to check the integrity of one or more of a client's employees or vendors.
These files can take on a variety of scenarios with slightly different needs or approaches. The investigator interacts with an employee (video can be obtained and is recommended) creating an opportunity to test or observe the person's behavior or integrity. Following an audit, the client will receive a full accounting of all checks, along with a detailed report and video of all checks if authorized in advance.
10 Leading or Lagging Indicators an Employee Might be Hurting your Brand or Stealing from the Business
An increase in voids, overrides or canceled checks
An increase in tardiness or absenteeism
Eager to assist or help with cash related transactions
Is known to gamble regularly
Behaviour changes without explanation
Observed in areas that they are not typically required
Regularly asking or offering to leave or end a shift early
Someone with an ongoing dispute with the company
Someone suspected of abusing company benefits
Employees that have an obvious sense of entitlement
Some situations will require New Data Risk Solutions & Investigations Undercover Investigative Operations.

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